“Me and my mate Tom King were at the pub talking shit. He told me about this job he was doing for Adult Swim and also mentioned they take pitches for short animated films that are character and story driven. Tom passed on the email so I emailed the guy. I didn’t really expect a reply or anything though. I’ve sent Brain Dead like ten emails saying hi. No one ever replies but it’s honestly like who cares it’s not like anyone ever finds out about it.”

In this case, Adult Swim did pick up the email and Best Friend Style was born. The short is for Adult Swim’s Smalls section, which are typically character and story-driven shorts that might get the chance of being developed into a full TV series. It follows two friends waiting around in a weird alleyway trying to get into a nightclub called Cool Club with a pair of fake IDs. “It’s something that has been bouncing around in my head for years now,” says Paul. “I have hundreds of memories of sneaking into pubs and getting kicked out of clubs as an underaged kid using my brother’s licence. Best Friend Style is episode one in a 15-episode story-arc type thing.”