Pamela Hayden, who has voiced iconic Simpsons characters including Milhouse and Jimbo Jones, is retiring from the show after 35 years.

Hayden will voice her last episode – Treehouse of Horror Presents: Simpsons Wicked This Way Comes – on Sunday, November 24.

In addition to Bart’s best friend Milhouse Van Houten and bully Jimbo Jones, over the years, Hayden has voiced secondary characters including Ned Flanders’ son Rod, Chief Wiggum’s wife and Ralph Wiggum’s mother Sarah and Lisa Simpson’s friend Janey Powell.

  • flux
    142 months ago

    Can we close up shop already? It’s been a steady decline in viewers. I once was a huge fan but these endless parodies of other TV shows are scraping the bottom.

      22 months ago

      I’m confused I heard they aired the last episode like this year? I haven’t watched it in forever but, I’ve been under the impression that it already ended…