The series starred Mindy Kaling and was based on the beloved “Scooby-Doo” character. Season 2 of the show debuted back in April. The series served a prequel to “Scooby-Doo,” with Velma and the other members of Mystery Inc. as high school students solving mysteries in the town of Crystal Cove.

While there will not be a third season of “Velma,” a Halloween special debuted on Max on Oct. 3.

“Velma” proved polarizing from the the outset, with the first season holding just a 38% critical approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes. In his review for Variety, Joshua Alston wrote “[These] characters are just really unpleasant to spend time with, and it starts at the top with Velma, whose selfish and misanthropic tendencies aren’t diluted by her moments of vulnerability.”

  • Constant Pain
    144 days ago

    You mean the show that has nothing to do with Scooby Doo and that the producer stuck a Scooby Doo skin over it to convince Netflix to invest in it?

    54 days ago

    I honestly tried to watch it, up to half the first episode I was thinking “oh this could be cool, Velma as a smart standalone character solving misteries, must be the usual people whining about changes”, then she started getting annoying and rude, bit sad because I think It could have been good. I’d still like to watch an episode so if anybody has a suggestion…

      34 days ago

      It’s one of those shows that feels like the creators really wanted to make an original project instead. I don’t understand why this character had to be Velma, she doesn’t act like Velma. If it was a more general parody of the teen detective genre, I still don’t think I’d like it, but it wouldn’t annoy me either.

  • UlyssesT [he/him]
    44 days ago

    “[These] characters are just really unpleasant to spend time with, and it starts at the top with Velma, whose selfish and misanthropic tendencies aren’t diluted by her moments of vulnerability.”

    One Rick and Morty was enough.