is a Lemmy instance that is part of the Fediverse. It uses an open protocol that allows users from other servers to post and comment here, and users here can subscribe to communities on other servers.

Most other Lemmy instances share content with any compatible server that is not on their blocklist. Currently is using an “allowlist”, and will only connect to servers on that list. There are over 100 instances on our allowlist, and you can view it here. In the future, we may change this policy and federate with all servers by default.

Comment on this post if you would like a server added to’s allowed instances list. This thread can also be used for discussing the pros and cons of allowlist vs blocklist federation, and for voting if the policy should be changed. Also let us know if there’s a server you feel should be removed from our allowlist, or preemptively added to the blocklist.

If you’d like to comment on this post but you can’t because your instance isn’t federated with us yet, you can find this post on beehaw,, or if you federate with one of those.